Rules Regulations

Sacred Heart - Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
  1. Every student should bring Diary to school daily.
  2. Bringing expensive articles and electronic gadgets especially Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited. Else will be confiscated.
  3. Students must be regular and punctual in their attendance.
  4. School gates are closed by 8.50 A.M.
  5. All applications for leave on medical grounds is to be supported by an authentic medical certificate.
  6. Irregular attendance, constant negligence of work, insubordination to teachers, habitual in attentiveness in class, obscenity word or deed, willful and repeated breach of the school regulation will lead a pupil to serious punishment or expulsion.
  7. Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in other activities of the school must compulsorily participate in them.
  8. If a student abstains herself without permission for seven consecutive working days, her name will be struck off the rolls.
  9. Students are warned against by any eatables from street vendors.
  10. Desist from the use of coarse expression and all such activities, which may affect self-honor.
  11. Feel happy by being well groomed and neatly dressed, lay aside indolence, launch a campaign of punctuality.
  12. Refinement of character, obedience, neatness in person, dress and punctuality are required at all times.
  13.  English within the campus.
Rules & Regulations
  1. Acquire knowledge persistently in order to become an educated & cultured citizen.
  2. Sit upright during the lesson. It helps to concentrate on the lesson. Do not lean on the elbows or slouch.
  3. Cherish the honor of the nation, school, family as one’s own and defend it by one’s deeds, work and training.
  4. The school expects the students to maintain the highest standard of discipline and decorum.
  5. Any breach in rules will entail to suspension or termination. Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. Hence, misbehavior in the streets and in the public places justifies disciplinary action.
  6. No exit will be issued to the students once they come to school.
  7. Students should avoid littering in the school premises.
  8. Pupils who expect to return late to their houses are responsible for informing their parents in advance.
  9. No monetary collection for any purpose may be made in the school without prior permission of the Head of the institution.
  10. All students are expected to be present in the school on the reopening day, after each vacation. Absence will entail fine unless valid reasons are furnished.
  11. Obey the instructions of the Headmistress and teachers of the school as well as one’s parents and seniors.
  12. The students are strictly ordered to communicate only in English within the campus.
Uniform regulations
  1. Every girl should wear the uniform on all days except on Saturdays. On Saturdays all should wear white uniform with white shoes.
  2. Wearing color dress is strictly forbidden on any working day except on their birthdays.
A word to the Parents


  1. Undaunted co-operation of the parents, staff and the blessings of the Almighty has always helped us realize the dreams of the children.
  2. Any misconduct on the part of the parents, brothers or any close relative of the students is good enough reason to dismiss the students from the school.
  3. Parents are advised to take active and whole hearted interest in the co-curricular activities of the school.
  4. Parent’s co-operation is indispensable in order to ensure regularity, punctuality, discipline and quality education of their wards. They should ensure that their wards prepare their home assignments and take active interest in the school activities.
  5. We seek your co-operation to inculcate the habit of conversing in English in our students.
  6. Parents are required to sign their wards progress reports, any other information when so required.
  7. Private tuitions are not encouraged. Our teachers are not allowed to give private tuitions to our pupils.
  8. All communication with the school should bear the scholar number, class and section of the students.
  9. Parents or others are requested not to meet the students or teachers during the class hours.
  10. Early departure will not be granted except in an emergency.
  11. Any change in the address and phone number must be notified to the school office in writing.
  12. An application from the parents for leave or absence without sanction will lead to striking off the name from the rolls.
  13. Parents are welcomed to approach the Headmistress with their opinions and suggestions with prior appointment.
  14. Parents who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the school as agreed to the time of admission will be requested to withdraw their wards.
  15. Parents must also ensure that their wards do not involve themselves with any in disciplinary behavior / misconduct / illegal activities or else they are liable to a suspension or a more severe action.
  16. The Head of the institution reserves the right to compel the parents to withdraw their wards if found not abiding by the rules.
  17. These rules are liable to alteration without prior notice