Principal's Message

“Every year, girls grow much faster and have better skills in communication & technology. A school that brings together girls of varied interests helps with their life skills & fosters friendship”
We are a 66 year-old aided girls’ school providing education for the marginal community in Jeevanbhima Nagar. Many parents who work as labourers at HAL, BEML and other nearby industries send their children to our school for quality education.
At Sacred Heart, we facilitate students to discover their potential & talents and to inculcate soft skills that would be helpful for harmonious interpersonal relationship, teamwork and to develop aesthetic sense in them. I believe every student will grow to be the best version of herself.
We aim to cultivate a sincere respect for the essential dignity, freedom and equality of every person. Sacred Heart provides the best facilities for education with an extensive library. We combine traditional & technological learning methods and include other amenities for children. Students are free to play in the playground.
In my opinion, girls are more serious in advancing in their knowledge and career as they feel obligated to their parents for sending them to the school. They are more serious at curriculum, attendance and other learning’s.
We welcome you to the Sacred Heart community. Take a visit to our school today.
Sr. Deepa, The Principal
student's life
At Sacred Heart, your girl has the opportunities to realize her talents. The school provides the necessary amenities and encourages extracurricular activities
We cultivate a sincere respect for equality of every person, and help girls to express spirituality in ways they find meaningful
Sacred Heart provides the best facilities for education while combining traditional & technological learning methods. And a large playground with trees for shade


Sacred Heart – school history
Sacred Heart Institutions are managed by the registered Society of the Sisters of St.Anne founded in 1874 by Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma of Guntur district (Andhra Pradesh, India) with the sole aim of fostering education to girls.
During the 80’s, education was gender biased. When Mother Gnanamma visited a remote village, 60kms away from Madras, she noticed that the primary school only admitted boys. Realizing this painful situation, Gnanamma sold off all her properties and started a school in 1862, at Kilacheri for girls.
This generous service spread far and wide, and many were drawn to be her apostolate. Two young women Arulamma and Agathamma who were inspired by Gnanamma, worked with her. They requested her to continue the school service which she had started.
After the demise of Gnanamma, two Congregations, namely St. Anne’s of Madras and St. Anne’s of Phirangipuram came in to existence with the purpose of continuing Gnanamma’s service to empower girls through education. Sacred Heart Girls’ High School is one of the branches of SSAM – The Society of Sisters of St. Anne, Madras.
The Holy See, jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome, has declared Mother Thatipathri Gnanamma as the servant of God on 21.01.2014.
St. Anne Sisters have dedicated their lives to create a new society with a vision to experience God in solidarity with the majority. Our primary concern is to uplift people, especially the ones deprived of all human rights.